There are few places in the world that can be considered pseudo-Meccas for photographers, New York City is definitely one of them. And after years of wanting, wishing and waiting, I can finally call this city home.
It wasn’t the easiest process, but we landed a great place in a fantastic part of town, and now the city is my oyster. And while there hasn’t been much time between Bed Bath & Beyond and Container Store trips, setting up and settling in, I finally had a chance to sneak out and explore.
I’ve quickly learned that living in Flatiron certainly has its perks. Outside of great shopping, about a billion restaurants, and downright inspiring views just about every direction you turn, it’s also a great location, strategically speaking. It feels as if everywhere in lower Manhattan is just a few blocks away.
For this first outing, to suppress my itchy trigger finger and get a taste of the jungle around me, I decided to play tourist in my own backyard.
Up Broadway to Times Square, over to Radio City Music Hall, and back down 5th Avenue. Hope you enjoy.